Surf trip to Baler

baler, sand surfing, surf trip, weekends

I badly need sunlight. And while I believe there is an app for that, nothing still beats the real feeling of the heat warming up your skin and the slight breeze of the ocean cooling you out at the same time. Alright I do not just miss the sun’s heat, I miss it particularly in the beach.  Fine, I miss the beach and being able to surf the smaller, pretty waves that summer brings on the waters of Sabang Beach at Baler, Aurora.  Since I am on an honest streak here, I am also going to tell you that when I just said the word “pretty” to describe the waters at Baler by no means do I mean absolutely.  It is a surfer’s paradise for a reason and that reason does not include my penchant for the smaller, boring, beach breaks to surf on (its the girl in me).  Surfers come out here most especially during September, October when the monsoon winds bring in the larger, testy waves that can only mean great for them and can just mean plain scary for any other non-surfing person or even to those less-experienced surfer-types (i.e. me).  So as a way to muster up my guts (and the skintight rashguard tells me I do have lots of those) in surfing on a non-summer day, I am going to tell the tales of what went on during a surfing trip I had with friends on last year’s summer.